Linda Smith

Managing Illness

On the 16th of August 2017 my wife, Linda Smit was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. The emotional trauma that we as a family experienced as a result of this diagnosis cannot be expressed in words. It felt as if our world was ripped from under our feet. Linda’s Oncologist informed us that she had to receive chemotherapy in order to provide treatment for the cancer and this increased our concern because all of us have witnessed the effect of chemotherapy on cancer patients.

During October 2017, Linda commenced with her chemotherapy at Steve Biko Academic Hospital and the side effects were brutal! She experienced extreme nausea and found it very difficult to consume solid food of any kind. It was during these trying times that Madalein Blom an inventory controller at Nativa approached us and suggested that Linda make use of Lifegain Advanced Nutritional Supplement in order to help her regain some of the nutrients that she lost as a result of the nausea. Madalein explained to us that Lifegain contains high levels of key nutrients that will contribute to assist in maintaining the body’s physical and emotional functions. She (Madalein) informed us that Lifegain was high in protein, energy, iron, zinc, vitamins A, B2 & B6, omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitaminB1. This was exactly what Linda needed in order to assist her to cope with the chemotherapy.

We immediately purchased a 1kg can of Lifegain and started giving it to Linda to consume. We were very fortunate in that she managed to drink it and from then she (Linda) literary lived on Lifegain! She started to regain some of the weight that she lost and her energy levels notably increased.

During December 2019 Linda had to be hospitalized again and once again experienced difficulties in consuming solid food. Out came the Lifegain Advanced Nutritional Supplement again! At this stage it is the only “food” That Linda can consume, and it is LITERALLY keeping my wife alive. I want to thank Madalein Blom for introducing Linda to

Lifegain and I want to thank Lifegain for their amazing products that are providing relief to my wife in these difficult circumstances. You guys are lifesavers!