Let’s assist those who need more than the usual nutritional support:

Long term illness

During illness and recovery from surgery, our bodies can quickly deplete some or all the essential nutrients. Lifegain® can assist those with illness and those recovering from surgery by providing high levels of nutrients that the body needs to help you regain your strength and speed up recovery. Illness can rapidly deplete essential nutrients in your body. Discover how to address malnutrition and maintain muscle strength to restore your energy and enhance your quality of life with Lifegain®.

Surgery & Recovery

Discover why high-quality nutritional support for healing is crucial for recovery when you are hospitalised, undergo surgery, or dealing with an injury, and learn how you can regain your strength with Lifegain®

Click on the TYPE OF RECOVERY you would like more information on

Cancer Patients

Managing cancer requires more than everyday nutrition; your body’s nutrient needs increase significantly. Lifegain® Advanced Nutritional Supplement provides essential protein, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins, and minerals to help you regain strength, fight fatigue, maintain a healthy weight, and support your overall well-being during treatment.


Aging brings changes that can lead to nutrient deficiencies and impact your quality of life. Lifegain® Advanced Nutritional Supplement supports digestive and immune health, helping to combat malnutrition and support muscle strength.

Diabetic Patients

Managing diabetes with good nutrition involves eating healthy foods in the right amounts and at the right times to maintain blood sugar levels and prevent complications. Lifegain® Advanced Nutritional Supplement, with its triple protein blend, helps you feel fuller for longer, supports muscle recovery, maintains blood sugar levels and fills nutrient gaps to aid in managing diabetes effectively.

Burnout, Fatigue, Stressful Lifestyle, and Special Diet

Burnout is a form of exhaustion caused by prolonged stress, affecting both physical and mental health. Lifegain® supports recovery by providing essential nutrients that boost energy, improve mental clarity, and enhance digestive and immune functions.